Hey Camp Friends!

Our first Kentucky snow covered our hills and campus gracefully Tuesday morning. Although cold weather reminds us that camp season is over, walking around I was reminded of God’s plan for growth and freshness. Snow covers the things that are dried up and dead, and waters the new things that are coming. As I looked around and took pictures, I began to wonder what kind of things God is getting ready to do here at Bethel Camp….

We’re inviting you to join us in prayer here at camp as we seek out what God has in mind for this ministry! Here are some things you can pray for:

Bethel Camp has been growing (which is awesome!) and we are needing some extra help to take care of camp in season and off season. We’re looking for a maintenance couple who would be willing to come serve full time here. Pray that God would call and send the right couple, that their hearts would continue being prepared, and we would trust God’s providence in this situation.
We’ve had some incredible volunteers who have been willing to come and help with our construction projects! Pray that God will bless them for their servant-hearts. Pray for protection as we continue building and provision as things are continuing to be built, fixed and restored.
Pray for our coming summer staff and the camp season as we plan and pray about what God wants to do, and who He wants to bring to camp.
Pray for our board members, off-season volunteers, and the Voths for guidance on how to take care of what God has given us.
Pray for our area in Eastern Kentucky, that God will continue to move and bring restoration.
Our theme for the 2020 Summer is “Called Out”. Pray that God will show us what He wants to do with that theme and what He wants to teach us, our staff and the campers we interact with.
Pray for strength, wisdom, vision, and refreshed hearts that want to follow after God and make Him known to everyone we meet.
Pray that we would be open and prepared for what God has planned for the rest of this year and the coming one.

Thank you all so much for your support, and we appreciate your prayers! If you have any questions, or would like a way to help camp with more than prayer, please contact us!

God bless,

Katie Driskill