What to Expect
A week of summer camp is a week full of Jesus and fun. Join us as our wonderful staff leads you in times of worship and chapel, challenges you in team games and activities, eats delicious meals with you, and serves you to make sure you have a great week. Our hope is that you leave being closer to God and closer to new and old friends alike. Proverbs says “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”, and this is our hope and goal for you during the week - to be sharpened and sharpen others through Christ, for God, and with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Camp Age Ranges
For a summer camps, we look at the grade that you (or your child) just completed. Look below to see which camp is right for you.
Grades 1-3 - Day Camp - Arrives at 9:00am and Dismisses at 3:00pm (Monday - Friday) with the option of staying the night Thursday night!
Grades 4-6 - Jr. 1 A and B - Registration/ Arrival starts at 3:00pm Monday and Deregistration / Leaving is 11:00am Friday.
Grades 6-8 - Jr. 2 A and B - Registration/ Arrival starts at 3:00pm Monday and Deregistration / Leaving is 11:00am Saturday.
Grades 9-12 - High School - Registration/ Arrival starts at 3:00pm Monday and Deregistration / Leaving is 11:00am Saturday.
Pricing and Scholarships
Bethel Camp strives to make summer camp affordable to everyone! We do this by relying on donations to help offset the costs to parents and guardians for a week of camp. The actual cost of a week of camp is around $490, but thanks to the support of many individuals and churches, the price that campers actually pay are:
Day Camp - $75
Jr. 1 - $105
Jr. 2 - $115
High School - $115
Weekend Retreats - $55
Additional scholarships are available for any camper/family who may need help with part or all of the camp registration fee. We never want money to be the reason someone does not come to camp.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!
What time do I drop off my camper(s)?
Registration starts at 3:00pm on Monday the week of camp and lasts until 4:00pm. During registration, camp registration will be paid (if it hasn’t been already), shaving cream will be turned over to the recreation directors, phones and wallets will be collected for safe keeping, and medicine will be collected by the medical staff member. (Note - The times for Day Camp, Special Needs Camp, and Family Camp are different from this schedule).
When do I pick up my camper(s)?
The final gathering starts at 10:15am the last day of camp and ends around 11:00am, after this campers will need to deregister to collect their phones and wallets, any extra money initially turned in for snack shop, and any medication turned in at the beginning of the week. (Note - The times for Day camp, Special Needs Camp, and Family Camp are different from this schedule).
What should I pack?
We provide the bed, the sink, and the shower. You bring the rest (mostly). You’ll need clothes that will get sweaty and maybe a bit dirty (an extra shirt that you don’t mind smelling like shaving cream for a while), shorts, plenty of socks and undergarments, some shoes you don’t mind playing games in (rain or shine), and a pair of swim trunks/shorts, and a shirt you don’t mind to wear in the creek. Hygeine products are important- toothbrush, toothpaste, deoderant, shampoo/ bodywash, etc. You’ll also need a pillow, a set of sheets or a sleeping bag, a towel, and a washrag (for all the showers you’ll take…hopefully). It is church camp, so if you have a Bible, bring that too!
If you’re coming to a high school week, you may want to pack something nice to wear to the banquet at the end of the week. This is optional, but the majority of people choose to get dressed up.
We hope you bring everything, but don’t worry if you forget something. We have extra supplies to make sure each camper has what they need for the week.
What if I have allergies?
That’s okay! Make sure you include that when you register online and we will get this info to the kitchen staff to make sure that your food is just as delicious and not a concern to you.
What if I take medicine?
Bring it with you and turn it in to our camp medical staff member at registration. They will be in charge of the medication and make sure that you get the correct dose at the correct meal/time. All medication will need to be turned in at the beginning of the week and will be returned at degregistration at the end of the week.
How much money should I bring? How much for SS? Pricing Ideas
That depends on how much you plan to spend. Our snack shop makes gas station prices look expensive. Need a candy bar after playing Darebase earlier? That’ll be $1.00. Now you’re thirsty and need a can of Sprite? That’ll be 75 cents.
Sweatshirts, sweatpants, shirts, water bottles, and mugs can also be purchased for prices between $5-$25.